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Old-Fashioned County Fair

10am - 5pm (Both Days)

Come, One!  Come, All! 

To the Grandest Fair of Them All!

Immerse yourself in some good old fashioned fun with a 5 Cent Carnival, contests of skill, 50/50 Bingo, exhibit judging, face painting, pie and ice cream social, photo op with Kidd Buffalo, live Bluegrass music, vintage baseball, and a grilled chicken dinner. 

The Pioneer Grill will be open for lunch and snacks. 

Submit Fair Entries on Friday or Saturday before noon. Judging is on Saturday afternoon. Entries can be picked up on Sunday after 3 PM or during the week. 

Both Days: Carnival, skill games, Bingo, pie and ice cream social
Saturday Only: Fair entry judging 

Sunday Only: Vintage baseball, grilled chicken dinner

5 Cent Carnival games are five cents each - there will be a table available to exchange dollar bills for nickels. 

Questions? Please call our office at 715-458-2080

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